Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nothin' Says Lovin' Like a...Part 2

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for."

--Author Unknown

Kary and Jen are pleased to announce the arrival of Noah and Blake's little sister:

Brynnlee Jenna Gedge
Born: October 7, 2009
Weight: 8 lbs. 10 oz.
Length: 21"

Brynnlee sleeping, with Daddy doing the same in the background.

All the important statistics =)

Brynnlee is taking lessons on how to sleep without distraction.

Our room with a wonderful view...and down below the roar of Life Flight.

Lovely little baby feet and toes.

The full scale picture.

As a side story: When Kary and I first told Noah and Blake that we were going to have a baby, Noah and Blake exclaimed, "Mom. The baby has to be a girl. We already have a brother." Matter of fact. Straight to the point. Our response was, "Well, we hope you are okay with a boy too. You can't exactly pick what kind of baby you get." Needless to say, when we went in for the ultrasound in June, and the tech told us it was a girl, the boys were thrilled! They have been looking forward to meeting Brynnlee ever since.

Shortly after Brynnlee arrived, I let the boys' dad know so he could tell the boys of their new sister's arrival. Noah and Blake were so excited, their dad called and asked if it would be okay if they came to visit right then. Noah and Blake were talking and moving a mile a minute. They were so excited they visited with us until 11:30pm! Yes, it was a school night, but their dad and I thought it was better they get acquainted with Brynnlee and get their wiggles out, than wait until the next day and have no focus at school.

It was wonderful to have the boys there and even better that their dad was able to take the first video of the boys and Brynn together. I would post it here, but the file is too big, so here is a link to see the video in its entirety. Noah and Blake Meet Brynnlee

Hope you enjoy the pictures. More to come. Thanks to all who have sent their congratulations and well wishes!!! Love to all!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

It's a girl

This entire story is based from the perspective of Kary, the dad and husband. Mommy is currently sitting in her hospital bed resting after all the work. Okay, so here is what happened.....
Wednesday, October 7th, 2009, I had just finished playing a game of Disk Golf. I called Jenny Jen to see what she was up to and how work was going. Turns out her contractions were really bad and she was about to go to the hospital. I finished up some stuff at work, and after picking up the boys from school at 3:17 pm and dropping them off at their dad's house, I went to the hospital. Once there I found Jenny Jen (my wife) and Jen (Jen's coworker) in the delivery room. Jen took off after they gave the soon to be mommy a shot (I was waiting out of the room). I then came in the room and we waited for the little one to come out. If you want all the gory details you should ask the Mommy, Daddy was focusing on the computer screen so he wouldn't fall out of his chair.

So lets fast forward to the good part...... She pooped (spelling correct) out. She is just perfect. The little baby has everything, a head, body, five fingers, and one foot (oh wait, there is another one), I mean two feet. Yeah, it is all there. Little baby girl weighed 8 lbs 10 oz. She was born at exactly 8:41 pm, 21 inches long (that is huge if you compare that to the normal size fish the boys have been catching), and lets not forget her head was 12 inches around (plenty of room for the brain she inherited). In the end labor was about three hours long, I think someone said mommy only had to push 6 times.

Some of you may notice that baby girl has yet to be named. I have been calling her Haylee, mostly because she has a note above her plastic box with Dr. Hurley's name on it (close enough right). She has no name because we can't come up with anything every one loves, side note, Jen hasn't picked one yet. Through all this I have decided that if men were responsible for the naming of all children this world would be full of Adams and Eves. So much easier.

Now for the photos and videos. Please direct all questions and comments to Mommy (previously known as Jenny Jen). Daddy was focusing on trying to not focus.

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2