Monday, September 29, 2008

Oh to be in the Motherland...

It had long since come to my attention that people of
accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.

--Leonardo da Vinci
Today was the first day of my "Business Meetings" here in England. I enjoyed the company and the scenery on the way to the "depot". There is nothing really to report on the work front. Although, I had a conference call today to discuss how everything had gone to that point. One of the moderators wanted to know which of us thought we had the longest flight, I replied with, "Ooo, me, me!" When he asked who it was I said "Jen in Carlisle" to which he replied, "Jen, where's Jennifer Robinson?" I confirmed I was she and he said that I had picked up the English accent already! What!?! I don't know. I will let you all be the judge when I get back.

So, the villages here are quaint and cute. Houses are quite a bit smaller here, but the gardens are amazing. I am across the street from a happening club (actually about 30 yards from my window). Good if you are a clubber, not if you are me, trying to sleep for work, in a foreign country...on a 7 hour time difference. Oh well. I think if I can get to sleep before the club opens, I might not have a problem. We shall see.

I will write again tomorrow. And don't anyone worry. I haven't gotten pissed yet. =)

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