Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.With the recent addition of Brynley, I wanted pictures! Not only of Brynley as a newborn, but pictures of our family as a whole. These pictures were taken by Molly Theurer (check out Molly's photography blog HERE) on Saturday, October 24, 2009. Molly is so talented in what she does! I absolutely love the pictures.
--Jane Howard
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Mi Familia
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Can You Spell Miss-iss-ippi?
Can you please not make fun...Kary and I had, what I like to call, "Speller's Remorse". So, the Monday after getting out of the hospital, we went to the hospital to attempt to change the baby's name. I was worried about missing the paperwork on it's journey to being official. Here is the official name:"Nicknames stick to people, and the most ridiculous are the most adhesive."
--Thomas Chandler Haliburton
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Nothin' Says Lovin' Like a...Part 2
"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for."
--Author Unknown
As a side story: When Kary and I first told Noah and Blake that we were going to have a baby, Noah and Blake exclaimed, "Mom. The baby has to be a girl. We already have a brother." Matter of fact. Straight to the point. Our response was, "Well, we hope you are okay with a boy too. You can't exactly pick what kind of baby you get." Needless to say, when we went in for the ultrasound in June, and the tech told us it was a girl, the boys were thrilled! They have been looking forward to meeting Brynnlee ever since.
Shortly after Brynnlee arrived, I let the boys' dad know so he could tell the boys of their new sister's arrival. Noah and Blake were so excited, their dad called and asked if it would be okay if they came to visit right then. Noah and Blake were talking and moving a mile a minute. They were so excited they visited with us until 11:30pm! Yes, it was a school night, but their dad and I thought it was better they get acquainted with Brynnlee and get their wiggles out, than wait until the next day and have no focus at school.
It was wonderful to have the boys there and even better that their dad was able to take the first video of the boys and Brynn together. I would post it here, but the file is too big, so here is a link to see the video in its entirety. Noah and Blake Meet Brynnlee
Hope you enjoy the pictures. More to come. Thanks to all who have sent their congratulations and well wishes!!! Love to all!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
It's a girl
Wednesday, October 7th, 2009, I had just finished playing a game of Disk Golf. I called Jenny Jen to see what she was up to and how work was going. Turns out her contractions were really bad and she was about to go to the hospital. I finished up some stuff at work, and after picking up the boys from school at 3:17 pm and dropping them off at their dad's house, I went to the hospital. Once there I found Jenny Jen (my wife) and Jen (Jen's coworker) in the delivery room. Jen took off after they gave the soon to be mommy a shot (I was waiting out of the room). I then came in the room and we waited for the little one to come out. If you want all the gory details you should ask the Mommy, Daddy was focusing on the computer screen so he wouldn't fall out of his chair.
So lets fast forward to the good part...... She pooped (spelling correct) out. She is just perfect. The little baby has everything, a head, body, five fingers, and one foot (oh wait, there is another one), I mean two feet. Yeah, it is all there. Little baby girl weighed 8 lbs 10 oz. She was born at exactly 8:41 pm, 21 inches long (that is huge if you compare that to the normal size fish the boys have been catching), and lets not forget her head was 12 inches around (plenty of room for the brain she inherited). In the end labor was about three hours long, I think someone said mommy only had to push 6 times.
Some of you may notice that baby girl has yet to be named. I have been calling her Haylee, mostly because she has a note above her plastic box with Dr. Hurley's name on it (close enough right). She has no name because we can't come up with anything every one loves, side note, Jen hasn't picked one yet. Through all this I have decided that if men were responsible for the naming of all children this world would be full of Adams and Eves. So much easier.
Now for the photos and videos. Please direct all questions and comments to Mommy (previously known as Jenny Jen). Daddy was focusing on trying to not focus.
Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Catch of the Day
The alarm reads 5:00 am
Noah: Hey Kary! (Pause) Kaarrryyyy!?!
Kary: Yeahhhh...
Noah: Just one more hour until we go fishing!
Kary: Mmm Hmm...
The boys love to go fishing! Now, one would hope that they are practicing "Catch and Release" as they take after their mother in the "Hate-to-eat-fish" department. I was under the impression that this was the case, until Kary showed me all the pictures from the fishing adventures. You will see what I mean as you scroll through the pictures my personal opinion, there is something "fishy" about the "Catch and Release" method going on at that canal. The boys had tons of fun, Kary got to bait lots of hooks with icky, creepy worms and Kyia (the little dog) got to lay there and be lazy.
Again, the same scenario plays out...boys and Kary awake at o'dark and early (otherwise known as 6:00 am). The same plan applies...donuts, worms and stinky, smelly fish. The fish are biting and flopping. The dog has dug herself a hole and planted her body in it. Kary has no time to rest as every few minutes there is a fish to be reeled in, a worm to be put on a hook, or a picture of a catch to be taken. This was a day of plenty.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Back to School for an Edu-ma-cation
Mom: "Blake, what did you have for lunch today?"
Blake (age 6): "I didn't eat lunch. I only had, like, ten fourths of my grilled cheese."
Noah (age 7): "Blake. That means you ate the whole thing. Duh."
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Nothin' Says Lovin' Like a...

Instructions for Cooking:
Preheat Oven to: Married and in LOVE!
Cook at 98.6 degrees for 38-42 weeks as determined by the bun's preference.
Bun removes itself from the oven when good and ready, but this one should be done by early October.
If further instructions are needed, please Google "Bun in the Oven".
Happy Sunday!
Kary and Jen
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Love and Marriage...but no Internet
"In marriage, each partner is to be an encourager rather than a critic, a forgiver rather than a collector of hurts, an enabler rather than a reformer."
--H. Norman Wright and Gary J. Oliver
- No Internet=No blogging
- No Internet=No way to check out wedding pictures, thus no way to post any
- No Internet=No sanity for Jen
Here is a funny story...when my Bishop arrived at Bob and Joni's, he asked if we had our marriage license. I told him where it was. After we took our pictures, I made sure that he had located the license. He said he had. So, imagine my surprise when, after everyone had departed the get-together, I look in the envelope with the marriage license paperwork in it and find that NONE of the paperwork had been filled in! So, I texted Debbie Judd, Bishop Judd's wife, something along the lines of: "So, um, the Bishop didn't fill out our paperwork. Are we even legal?" She replied: "Um, no. Just kidding. Swing by real quick and he will fill it out." Phew! We drove over and walked in to the laughter of my friend, Bishop Judd's daughter, Molly, laughing at my previously sent text. In the end, it gave everyone a good laugh.
I have not had a chance to download the pictures from the wedding yet, but here are two links to the pictures taken.
This is the link for the pictures that my friend's brother, Shaun, took. And this is the link for the pictures that my friend Molly, took. Enjoy!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Wedding? As You Wish...
"Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday."
--The Impressive Clergyman, The Princess Bride
For those of you who are are the wedding details!
Who: Kary and Jen
When: Saturday, January 17, 2009
Time: Dusk (You can get there around 5pm)
Where: The Tavern de Leiker, Ogden, UT
We are excited to finally tie the knot! Now all we need are our friends and family to join us for our awesome day, or night ;)! If you plan on coming let me know via email ( or comment on this here post so we can plan accordingly! I can also send you the address and directions (I don't want to post them online for the whole world to see, if you know what I mean).
We have opted for a fun, casual experience. Kary and I will NOT be dressing up, so come in your comfy-est jeans (or whatever you fancy). We will have an awesmoe Hot Chocolate Bar and other yummy refreshments so come prepared for great food and engaging company!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
The Newest Gedge
A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided.Kary and I have taken action and found an apartment in the Cottonwood Heights area of the Salt Lake Valley. Thus, it is official. We will be getting married and I will officially be changing my last name on Saturday, January 17, 2009! In fact we went ring shopping last night and took care of the bling factor ;). We are excited to get married and move on with our lives, together. We have both had many life experiences that have brought us to where we are today. We have learned many lessons in the past and look forward to creating a life, home and family together now, and in the years to come. (And don't worry, Noah and Blake LOVE Kary! In fact, on a trip to Hogle Zoo, in October, Noah asked Kary, "So when are you going to marry my mom?" Yes, it's a true story!)
--Tony Robbins
We aren't quite sure where in the Salt Lake area we will be getting married just yet, but you are all invited to the wedding ceremony and the Open House (or whatever you want to call it). Not sure what time yet, but the Open House will be at the Tavern de Leiker (or in other words, Uncle Bob and Aunt Joni's house in Ogden, UT). When we figure out the particulars, I will blog it!
In the mean time, I will entertain any and all suggestions for places to get married EXCEPT for any chapel that has the words Las Vegas in the address.
Love to all!