The alarm reads 5:00 am
Noah: Hey Kary! (Pause) Kaarrryyyy!?!
Kary: Yeahhhh...
Noah: Just one more hour until we go fishing!
Kary: Mmm Hmm...
It is Saturday morning. People are supposed to do something called "sleeping in" on the weekend, right? Not in my house. Noah and Blake must have some sort of internal clock that only wakes them up on a weekend early enough to beat both Kary and I out of bed. Is it because we are going to an amusement park? No. Is it because we are going swimming? No. It is because the night crawlers have been dug out of the ground, freshly baked grocery store donuts are calling Noah and Blake's name from a mile away, and the dirty canal down the road has beady-eyed fish waiting for an easy snack...I mean hook? I am VERY sure it is the latter.
The boys love to go fishing! Now, one would hope that they are practicing "Catch and Release" as they take after their mother in the "Hate-to-eat-fish" department. I was under the impression that this was the case, until Kary showed me all the pictures from the fishing adventures. You will see what I mean as you scroll through the pictures my personal opinion, there is something "fishy" about the "Catch and Release" method going on at that canal. The boys had tons of fun, Kary got to bait lots of hooks with icky, creepy worms and Kyia (the little dog) got to lay there and be lazy.
The boys love to go fishing! Now, one would hope that they are practicing "Catch and Release" as they take after their mother in the "Hate-to-eat-fish" department. I was under the impression that this was the case, until Kary showed me all the pictures from the fishing adventures. You will see what I mean as you scroll through the pictures my personal opinion, there is something "fishy" about the "Catch and Release" method going on at that canal. The boys had tons of fun, Kary got to bait lots of hooks with icky, creepy worms and Kyia (the little dog) got to lay there and be lazy.
Again, the same scenario plays out...boys and Kary awake at o'dark and early (otherwise known as 6:00 am). The same plan applies...donuts, worms and stinky, smelly fish. The fish are biting and flopping. The dog has dug herself a hole and planted her body in it. Kary has no time to rest as every few minutes there is a fish to be reeled in, a worm to be put on a hook, or a picture of a catch to be taken. This was a day of plenty.
1 comment:
It would appear to me that you are just about as good at writing as they are at fishing. They are a pretty handsome and happy pair, I should say.
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